Lá iontach ar shiúlóid ar thíós Binne Ghulbain. Bhí an tírdhreach galánta agus is Sliabh draíochtúíl agus maorga é Binn Ghulbain, le dlúthbhaint aige lenár mitaseolaíochta.
A wonderful day on a walk at the bottom of Ben Bulben.The scenery was gorgeous and Ben Bulben is a magical, majestic mountain with strong connections to our mythology.
Ben Bulben in Irish is Binn Ghulbain. Binn is a word for peak or gable and is found not only in reference to other Irish hills/mountains eg Binn Eadair (Howth) but also in Scotland where we see Ben Nevis for example. The word Gulban could refer to a Jaw or to Conall Gulban, the son of a famous ancient leader, Niall of the nine Hostages.
This spectacular flat topped mountain is most famously connected to the story of Diarmuid an Gráinne. Betrothed to the now aging Fionn MacCumhaill leader of the Fianna, Gráinne ran away with the handsome young warrior Diarmuid, a close friend of Fionn. This was the ultimate betrayal in the older man’s eyes and he pursued the couple throughout the country. Everywhere they stayed became known as a “bed” of Diarmuid and Gráinne and evidence of these places still exists in our placenames to this day. The young lovers overcame every obstacle that Fionn threw in their path but eventually Diarmuid met his death at the foot of Ben Bulben where he'd been invited by Fionn to a boar hunt. He had already been cursed by a geis, to die by this animal but still he took part and indeed, met his fate. Gráinne begged Fionn to aid her dying lover, as he had the power to do so, but his pride and envy meant that his efforts were too little too late.
As the path veers away from the side of the mountain, you face the sea looking towards Sliabh Liag, Slieve league in Donegal. These cliffs are among the highest sea cliffs in Europe with an almost 2000ft drop into the ocean! The name, Sliabh Liag means the mountain of stone pillars and is a place abundant in wildlife and needless to say, more ancient stories. There is a Pilgrim's path and early Christian Beehive huts, although it is likely that this place was special long before that. I haven't been there yet so many another day I'll get the chance to relate some stories about these majestic cliffs!
And on that note, I’d definitely recommend this magical area and the Ben Bulben forest park where there are several routes and suitable to all.
While on my walk, I stopped to do a very quick sketch. It's nice to do it on site as you get a feel for the setting, not so much in the sketch as it's so quick but more a reminder way of how it felt to in that place and time. I hope to use it and my photos for reference when I do finally do a picture in connection to this wonderful mountain.