Exhibition 12 Sept 24 - 5 Nov 24

These paintings were previously exhibited at the Ìontas Art Centre, County Monaghan as part of Magaret's SCÉALTA MO SHINSIR collection

Solas Álainn / A beautiful light

Solas Álainn / A beautiful light


Original Painting

Medium: Palette knife acrylic painting on canvas.
Size: 20”x 16”

I titled this painting, Solas Álainn, because the stark spring light was what really struck me about this particular visit to this wonderful recreation area. Although it was chilly, the place was buzzing with families enjoying the March sunshine. This was just one of many trees where the light seemed to highlight the bark, in a way that appeared to bleach the timber in the light, against the shadows so dark and defined.



Contact Details

Margaret McKenna
Carrick Eighter, Virginia, Co. Cavan, Ireland
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Art to me, is storytelling a means to visually capture the atmosphere and tell the tales behind our landscape or capture the essence of that person’s character.

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