Exhibition 12 Sept 24 - 5 Nov 24

These paintings were previously exhibited at the Ìontas Art Centre, County Monaghan as part of Magaret's SCÉALTA MO SHINSIR collection

Scáthanna na n-am atá caite / Shadows of past times

Scáthanna na n-am atá caite / Shadows of past times


Original Painting

Medium: Palette knife oil painting on canvas.
Size: 20”x 30”

Castleshane Desmesne, not far from Monaghan town, is now a fantastic area to walk with wide open land, where wildflowers grow contrasting against shadowed walkways through forested narrow paths that almost lead to a mysterious waterfall. The estate belonged to the Lucas family; their “big house” being burnt down in 1920. According to a story on Dúchas.ie, the school’s collection, a mysterious black hare was seen running from the property that night, making its way to the Rossmore Forest area. The hare has always been considered a magical creature in Irish mythology, sometimes a portent of good, sometimes of misfortune, and a black hare could also be a guise of the mischievous Púca. In a sense it’s no surprise that a being of folklore is associated with Castleshane as the name itself comes from Caisleán tSiáin, meaning the castle of the fairy mound. In this picture, I painted one of those sunlit paths, at the time all manner of wildflowers blooming, but particularly the abundance of Willow Herbs. In the distance I hinted at two figures, in old-fashioned dress, as I’m sure the previous occupants would have often walked this path, now available for all to enjoy.



Contact Details

Margaret McKenna
Carrick Eighter, Virginia, Co. Cavan, Ireland
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Art to me, is storytelling a means to visually capture the atmosphere and tell the tales behind our landscape or capture the essence of that person’s character.

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