Exhibition 12 Sept 24 - 5 Nov 24

These paintings were previously exhibited at the Ìontas Art Centre, County Monaghan as part of Magaret's SCÉALTA MO SHINSIR collection

Crann na Sióga / Tree of the Fairies

Crann na Sióga / Tree of the Fairies


Original Painting

Medium: Palette knife acrylic painting on canvas.
Size: 22”x 16”

Situated in Rossmore Forest Park and identified in a County Council Development Plan, is a Fairy Tree near Barnhill lake. So common all over the country are these lone trees in the middle of a field that forever remain untouched for fear of annoying the fairies. This belief, even in this modern age, is something that touches a deep-rooted chord, that perhaps we are not the only ones who inhabit our land. What struck me though, was the fact that this tree is on the Council document, noting that while it has no intrinsic heritage value, it would be “prudent” to leave alone. The “unsaid” told a multitude and I felt this particular Fairy Tree deserved a special place in this exhibition.



Contact Details

Margaret McKenna
Carrick Eighter, Virginia, Co. Cavan, Ireland
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Art to me, is storytelling a means to visually capture the atmosphere and tell the tales behind our landscape or capture the essence of that person’s character.

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